Low FODMAP Grilled Chicken Salad

A simple weekday lunchtime recipe that won't trigger gut symptoms.

By Matt Williamson
10 minutes | serves: 1

Chef’s tip: serve with some warmed gluten free flatbread.


100g grilled or sauteed chicken 

Handful of mixed salad leaves 

¼ of a cucumber, cut into bite sized pieces 

70g cherry tomatoes, cut in halves 

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil  

Juice and finely grated zest of ¼ of a large lemon 

2-3 springs basil or oregano, leaves picked and roughly chopped 

2 tsp pumpkin or sunflower seeds, lightly toasted 

Salt and pepper to taste 


Mix all the ingredients together, season to taste with salt and pepper, and serve straight away.