meals in this range contain one or more nutrients that are prove to help your body release energy from food.
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smaller meals
Perfect for smaller appetites, our smaller meals are based on the Mediterranean diet - a style of eating that's linked with many health benefits.
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healthy meals
Based on the mediterranean diet, linked with multiple health benefits including heart health, a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers. Our mediterranean meals contain 50% of your daily recommended vit D per serving.
meals in this range contain one or more nutrients that are prove to help your body release energy from food.
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smaller meals
Perfect for smaller appetites, our smaller meals are based on the Mediterranean diet - a style of eating that's linked with many health benefits.
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healthy meals
Based on the mediterranean diet, linked with multiple health benefits including heart health, a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers. Our mediterranean meals contain 50% of your daily recommended vit D per serving.